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Titles index of CODEPEH brochures in English


  ACCESS THE SPANISH EDITION This brochure, complementary to the “CODEPEH Recommendations 2023” document (forthcoming), tackles postnatal hearing loss as a hearing disorder detected after birth, although the time of onset may be unknown. There are three different types: progressive, late-onset or acquired. In addition to these, there are those attributed to lack of sensitivity […]

Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Clinical problems and frequently asked questions

 ACCESS THE SPANISH EDITION This brochure, which is a supplement to the Document “CODEPEH Recommendations 2022” (upcoming release), proposes an action protocol with measures to improve the quality of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening programmes, providing practical recommendations based on scientific criteria on the techniques used and their correct application for an accurate confirmation of diagnosis […]


 ACCESS THE SPANISH EDITION This leaflet, in addition to the Document “Hearing Loss in Children with associated disabilities (AD+): CODEPEH Recommendations 2021”, addresses a scientific review of the recent scientific evidence on hearing loss associated with another disability (AD+), providing recommendations for action on the detection and diagnosis of deaf children with associated disabilities, as […]


ACCESS THE SPANISH EDITION  This brochure, complementary to the document “PREVENTION AND EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF OTOTOXIC HEARING LOSS: CODEPEH 2020 recommendations“, deals with a scientific review of the early detection, prophylaxis, monitoring and treatment of ototoxicity in the paediatric population, which causes a deterioration in hearing ability with significant consequences. Ototoxic drugs represent one of […]


 ACCESS THE SPANISH EDITION  This brochure, complementary to the Document ““Update of early detection programmes for pediatric hearing loss: CODEPEH recommendations (Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up)”, completes the review and update of early detection programs for childhood deafness. It focuses on the diagnostic phase, decision-making regarding treatment, and the follow-up process. The update points out the […]


ACCESS THE SPANISH EDITION  This brochure, which is a supplement to the Document “Update on the programmes for the early detection of infant hearing loss: CODEPEH 2019 recommendations (Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up)”, completes the review and update of programmes for the early detection of infant hearing loss. It focuses on the diagnosis phase, decision-making regarding […]


  ACCESS THE SPANISH EDITION This brochure, which is a supplement to the Document “Update on Childhood Hearing Screening Programmes (Level 1. Detection): CODEPEH 2018 recommendations”, indicates three fundamental points for updating in infant hearing screening programmes, focused on their level 1 (Detection) and based on the latest scientific evidence: the review of technological options, […]


  ACCESS THE SPANISH EDITION This brochure, a supplement to the Document “Early treatment and Diagnosis of Unilateral or Asymmetrical hearing loss in children: 2017 CODEPEH recommendations“, presents the main indications for the proper management of unilateral or asymmetric hearing loss in the form of a flow chart. It is designed as a practical tool […]

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