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FIAPAS 2000 Award (Health Area)

  • Publisher: FIAPAS
  • Author: By Dr A. Huarte, representing the O.R.L. Department of the University Clinic of Navarra.
  • Legal deposit: M-26488-1988
  • Year: 2000
  • Language: Spanish
  • Magazine: 75
  • Pages: 16
  • Size: 210x297mm.


Award-winning work

The clinical application of cochlear implants has been in practice since 1968 and has become more widespread over the past 10 years. Over this time, technological advances have been made that have decisively influenced the clinical results obtained with this technique. This has led to changes in indications, particularly affecting audiometric criteria and implantation age, especially in the prelingual hearing loss population. Although the results reported from these modifications are initially satisfactory, there are currently few studies that report long-term hearing results with state-of-the-art cochlear implants.

This study aims to perform a review of the results achieved in the field of hearing in the cochlear implant programme of the University of Navarra over the last 8 years of monitoring, differentiating between those based on the time of onset of hearing loss (pre- and post-lingual), the age of implantation, and the stimulation strategy used (MPEAK versus SPEAK).

Therefore, the goals to be met are:

  • To review the auditory results recorded in a population of subjects with bilateral deep neurosensory hearing loss, treated with an intracochlear multichannel cochlear implant, for a follow-up period of 0 to 8 years.
  • To analyse the differences in post-implantation evolution between a post- and pre-lingual hearing loss population to study the influence of delay in reintroducing auditory stimulation and the type of strategy used in each one.

For your bibliography: Huarte, A. (2000): “Auditory results with cochlear implants”. FIAPAS Journal, July-August 2000, No. 75, FIAPAS Supplement.


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