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Communicative interactions between parents and deaf children

  • Publisher: FIAPAS
  • Author: Silvestre, N. and Spanish Confederation of Families of Deaf People - FIAPAS
  • Legal deposit: M-57662-2008
  • Year: 2019 (3rd Ed.)
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 104
  • Size: 297 x 210 mm



This study involved 54 families with hearing loss children aged between one and seven from 12 autonomous communities and the Autonomous City of Ceuta. Novel findings from previous research show that different communication patterns are outlined in the interactions between hearing mothers and their hearing loss children. In fact, it is one of the first studies to show a significant advance in the quality of these interactions. Based on these findings, a more in-depth study was conducted of the variables of both the child population and that of the mothers who influenced them.

In short, this is a pioneering study, which establishes relationships between conversational style and the encouraging of spoken language and of the development of certain mental content.

Reference: Silvestre, N. and CONFEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE FAMILIAS DE PERSONAS SORDAS-FIAPAS (2008): Study-Research. Communicative interactions between parents and hearing loss children. Communication between hearing mothers and hearing loss children aged 1 to 7 (3rd ed. 2019). Madrid, FIAPAS.

©FIAPAS 2008 (3rd edition 2019)

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