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Educational dossier for families with hearing-impaired children

  • Publisher: FIAPAS
  • Author: Jáudenes, C. and Patiño, I.
  • Legal deposit: M-56194-2007
  • Year: 2013 (3rd Ed.)
  • Language: Spanish
  • Pages: 88
  • Size: 270 x 210 mm


Families of people with hearing impairments not only face the challenge of being parents in today’s world but also the uniqueness of the hearing impairment itself, which is why they require information as of diagnosis and throughout the subsequent development of their children.

Over the course of five specific sections, this informative dossier aims to respond to some of the questions asked of families, providing them with up-to-date information and practical guidance on knowledge of diagnosis, hearing aids, technical aids, educational and communication possibilities, etc. and, ultimately, on the support pathway established. In addition, a documentary appendix includes information and data for families, as well as basic law, a bibliography, and websites of interest. Finally, after a brief presentation of FIAPAS, a directory of the confederated Associations and Federations is provided.

Reference: FIAPAS (JÁUDENES, C. and Patiño, I.) (2007): Educational dossier for families with hearing-impaired children. Basic information for early access to the oral language (3rd Ed.). Madrid, Confederación Española de Familias de Personas Sordas – FIAPAS (2013).

©FIAPAS 2007 (3rd edition 2013)

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