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Shortlisted for the 2002 FIAPAS Award (Education Area)

  • Publisher: FIAPAS
  • Author: Rafaela Gutíerrez Cáceres
  • Legal deposit: M-26488-1988
  • Year: 2002
  • Language: Spanish
  • Magazine: 87
  • Pages: 12
  • Size: 210x297mm.


Shortlisted Work

People with hearing loss are generally not competent readers and writers. People with hearing loss have great difficulty in understanding written texts and writing stories, abstracts, letters, exams, etc., despite being in school, whether in integrated classrooms or special education classrooms. This has an impact on the fact that not many hearing loss people pass secondary education and those who can access higher education, so their socio-labour insertion is extremely limited.

Different areas of research, both nationally and internationally, have attempted to respond to the difficulties encountered in reading by people with hearing loss. However, research on the written expression of hearing loss people is scarce in Spain. Furthermore, the results of the studies conducted, which are mostly in English, are not applicable and therefore generalisable to other languages, such as Spanish. Evidence of this has given grounds for focusing research work on the written expression of people with hearing loss.

Within the general research project on cognitive processes in written composition conducted by the ED-INVEST group in the Department of Teaching and School Organisation at the University of Granada under the direction of F. Salvador Mata, this research work has been carried out in the field of hearing loss.

The research is based on a number of theoretical assumptions, grouped into two blocks:

  • In the first block, the research work is based on the educational approach relating to the LOGSE (1990) and, more specifically, the concept of Special Educational Needs.
    In other words, the importance of knowing, analysing, assessing or determining the educational needs of a particular student in a given situation in order to find a more appropriate educational response.
  • In the second block, research is based on the perspective of the Grammar of the Text, which addresses the study and analysis of the result of written expression, i.e. the written text.

Reference: Gutiérrez, R. (2002): “The written expression of students with hearing loss: text analysis”. FIAPAS Journal, July-August 2002, No. 87 FIAPAS Supplement.


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