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INCLUSIVE AND ACCESSIBLE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTS FOR PEOPLE WITH DEAFNESS Recommended guidelines for online classes, video conferences and video meetings

  • Publisher: FIAPAS
  • Author: Spanish Confederation of Families of Deaf People - FIAPAS
  • Legal deposit: M-34944-2021
  • Year: 2021
  • Language: Spanish
  • Pages: 2
  • Size: 148x210mm


This infographic, entitled ‘Inclusive and accessible digital environments for people with deafness’, aims to provide deaf people and their families with recommended guidelines for online classes, video conferences and video meetings.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many deaf people have seen an increase in barriers to accessibility in digital environments, as their use for everyday actions, whether professional, educational or personal, has skyrocketed. This infographic therefore offers recommendations to make digital environments accessible to people with hearing disabilities, such as keeping one’s mouth visible for lip reading, avoiding background noise, using chat to clarify questions or sharing the speakers’ screen.

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