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Prevention and early diagnosis of ototoxic hearing loss: 2020 CODEPEH recommendations

  • Publisher: FIAPAS
  • Author: Commission for the Early Detection of Hearing Loss - CODEPEH
  • Legal deposit: M-26488-1988
  • Year: 2021 (1st Ed.)
  • Language: English
  • Magazine: 175
  • Pages: 24
  • Size: 210x297mm.



Ototoxicity is defined as reversible or irreversible damage to the inner ear caused by various substances called ototoxic substances that cause hypoacusis and/or disruption of the vestibular system. Permanent hypoacusis significantly affects quality of life and is of particular concern in children. There is often a lack or delay in detection, as it often makes unremarkable progress until it affects communication and global development.

This impact can be minimised by following an audiological monitoring strategy for ototoxicity, allowing for early detection and treatment. This document recommends that such monitoring be implemented in children who are to be treated with cisplatin or aminoglycosides. This CODEPEH review and recommendations document focuses on early detection, prophylaxis, otoprotection, monitoring, and treatment of ototoxicity by aminoglycosides and platinum-based antineoplastics in the pediatric population.

Reference: CODEPEH (F. Núñez et al.) (2020): “Prevención y diagnóstico de la sordera por ototóxicos: recomendaciones CODEPEH 2020”. FIAPAS magazine, No. 175, Special. (2nd ed.). Madrid, FIAPAS 2020

©FIAPAS 2020 (2nd edition 2021)


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